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Nature's Testimony

Nature is an amazing thing. There are no guidebooks, instructors or classes; just instinct. The Vernal equinox, referred to as spring, marks the turning point when daylight begins to win out over darkness. The amount of sunshine versus darkness is almost equal, but with each passing day, it ekes out a bigger and bigger portion. With the longer daylight come more outside activity and less time holing up inside the house. Or, as the animals would call it "coming out of hibernation".

Springtime brings a return of the migrating bird populations. It wakes up the bulbs and flowers and trees that have been dormant and gives them the energy to push back the soil, sprout new growth and new leaves and blooms. The new growth and he flowers provide a vibrant display of color for all to enjoy. The smell of freshly turned soil, the fragrance of the flowers and blossoms and eventually the freshly mown grass bring a refreshing aroma to our world.

As the world wakes up the birds begin building their nests and laying their eggs. It isn't long until their young are hatched and they are kept busy bringing them bugs and worms to eat. Mammals have their young in the early springtime as well. The weather is less harsh and they have time to put on weight and mature before the next winter sets in. Regardless of the species many of the newborns are sweet and cuddly.

I am amazed at the beauty and precision by which nature functions. Every year we see these cycles repeated. Every year certain trees will be the first to blossom. Every year the animals will have their young in a certain window of time, some kinds early and some later.

One example is the goldfinch. they lay their eggs much later than most birds. Why is that? They use the fuzzy down of mature thistle blossoms to build their nests so they wait until early summer when the thistles bloom.

It shouldn't take long for anyone to grasp the reality of creation by design. These seasons and patterns are so precise and so detailed you can see the hand of the Creator everywhere.

Animals produce and multiply after their kind. They use their natural instincts to survive, whether it is their ability to small, see, hear, run or hide, God has given each one a unique set of characteristics. One Example is the protective care of a bear in which a low growl from an adult will send the bear cubs running up a tree.

Animals and birds of all types are very protective of their young. Some hide them from their predators, some use their physical size and force and some depend on an entire group for protection. Elephants, wolves, kangaroos, chimpanzees, bees and orcas fall into this category.

The opposite of that family protection is when a female alligator's eggs hatch she has to spend the next year of her life protecting her babies from predators and other 'gators looking for a snack. Sometimes this means corralling her babies in her mouth- sharp teeth and all!

The precision of Creation that I referred to earlier is evident in the fact that man is able to send rockets and land them on the moon. That is only possible because of the precision and order in the universe that God created and formed. Scientists can map out the time of day the sun will rise and set for years in advance. Scientists tell us that a total eclipse will cross the United States on April 8th, an even that will not be repeated until 2044.

Surely nature bears testimony to the accuracy of the Scripture. the Bible speaks of "signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the starts" in the days before Christ's return. Can we hear the earth groaning and crying out? Ever since the Fall of man the earth is not the same as when God created it. Sin and evil have brought a curse upon it and, in a sense, Creation is waiting for that day when God will usher in a new Heaven and new Earth. When will be the day or time? Only God knows the answer to that. Our responsibility is to have our hearts prepared so when that day comes, we will be ready.

"God, help us to be reminded of all that is happening and all that is in Your control as we watch the marvels of {nature} unfold"

~M. Gingrich

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