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  • M. Gingrich

Digesting Today's News

The way that people view the world is greatly shaped by the news they read, listen to and absorb. unfortunately, more than 90% of the new published in America is controlled y six major corporations, which are controlled by billionaires, some of whose own ideals are shaped by greed and power.

These news organizations began as credible institutions intent upon reporting things that were happening around the globe. However, as these corporations grew, these so-called "trusted sources" began to see the media pipeline as a tool y which they could control the masses. With monopolized control they now have the power to manipulate the vast flow of information that comes to the ears and eyes of the general populace.

The entire system is designed to direct us to certain voices and those voices are constantly working very hard to alter what we think about certain things. This is very similar to the way communist regimes operated for years while America's free press did a pretty good job of reporting things as they were without trying to sway the reader one way or another. That is no longer the case.

Sadly, a lot of people still believe that the big, corporate-owned news networks are the "guardians of democracy" and are just looking out for our best interests. That is not even close to reality. In our day and time everyone has agendas to push and the big networks are no exception. The journalists at those networks are going to shape the new to push the messages that their corporate masters want them to push and anybody that believes otherwise is simply being naïve. A journalist at one of the networks just recently exposed live on air that her bosses were doing that very thing.

Why is the way we receive our news of such importance? Because it impacts how we view current issues and helps us formulate an opinion. Every day millions upon millions of Americans have conversations that center around the news. So those that decide what the news is are going to have an extraordinary amount of power. They promote their agenda by trying to shift the focus away from certain things or by reporting only the portion of the facts that line up with their ideals.

Beneath the surface of the cultural issues we face us often an agenda that is not so readily seen. Whether it be climate change, racism, human rights, gender equality, immigration, gun control, fair and free elections or other issues, it is important to research the money trail, see who is funding it and attempt to discover what they are trying to accomplish. It just might give you an entirely different perspective.

It is also important to take what you hear/ read and analyze it for yourself. Does it add up? Does t have a biased slant? Does it need further scrutiny? Is the reporter willing to hold himself to the same standard he wants others to uphold? We see an awful lot of hypocrisy happening across the spectrum. For example, we hear much about diversity but upon further inquiry that diversity message is oft times misaligned and misguided. We often find the people demanding diversity but they themselves are very closed-minded to hearing conservative ideas. We are not allowed, after all, to have a different viewpoint than they do and if we do, we are considered intolerant.

After hearing something over and over and over you eventually need to digest it. Is it fact? Does it have merit? How do I feel about the situation? Do I believe it? The general populace tends to finally accept the false or distorted story as actual fact even though the one reporting the news may have been caught being less than truthful multiple times. How many times will you give someone a pass? It doesn't take a genius to realize that when someone gets caught repeatedly telling a lie, they cannot be trusted.

In America we currently have a lot of things being called into question such as the past election or the pandemic. As we digest all of this we know most assuredly that we live in treacherous times - a day when men will stop at nothing to promote their agenda, whether for good or bad. That is the bad news.

The good news is that truth will ultimately prevail and God will bring evil men to judgement! We can turn to God's Word and know that what He says He will accomplish

in His timing and by His standards. There is no hidden agenda there is double standard. God sent His Son, Jesus, to die for us that we might live and each of us has that opportunity if we so choose. That is inclusive of all men and women of every generation and of every nationality. That is the good news!

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