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  • Lisa Marie Digges

Have Fun in the Everyday!!

How many times have you found yourself repeating the same routine day in and day out? Do you follow the same pattern in the grocery store getting the same repeats for dinner? Driving the same roads home with the same music on the radio? The same kids fighting about the same debates? The same boss/customers whining about the same "problems"? Only to end the day on the same couch staring at the same TV after day after day.....


We cant stop the everyday responsibilities but we can make them a little more fun!! Use this check off list with your family to spice up your week. Then find your own ways of shaking up the mundane!

  • Take a walk and actually smell the flowers!

  • Make handmade cards and walk your neighborhood just to distribute thinking of you notes.

  • Call/ video chat a family member you haven't seen for a while. Get the whole family involved and have "dinner" with them.

  • Sing with the kids in the car...loudly.

  • Make a scavenger hunt of your grocery list with the kids.

  • Bring cupcakes to work...just because.

  • Find a new route from work to enjoy the view.

  • Add food coloring to simple foods at dinner, like mashed potatoes, to add a fun surprise your kids will love to eat!

  • Never forget the awesomeness of a living room fort...even if there are no kids...

  • Make dinner a picnic in the backyard.

  • If you wear a uniform to work, wear two different socks...because you can.

Mental health is a huge factor to living a successful life. Using these tips for yourself and others can help shake away the blues and difficulties life throws at us.

  • Breath deeply and let go of the stress.

  • Tackle each issue one at a time.

  • Understand that misery is only one option. There are others.

  • Understand your life mission and balance your decisions on that basis.

  • Listen so intently that others feel not only heard , but also understood.

  • Encourage others and nurture their self-confidence.

  • Tell people in your life that they are appreciated and why.

  • Weed out toxic and negative people and choose nurturing people as your support. This will require honesty to yourself.

  • Look for positive in every situation and person even when it is painful.

  • Deal with conflict directly by attacking the problem and not the person.

  • Solve the problem, then move on.


Ecclesiastes 5:20

For he will not often consider the years of his life, because God keeps him occupied with the gladness of his heart.

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