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  • Lisa Marie Digges

Not Up for Discussion

I like a good debate/discussion. Not an argument but when two (or more) people discuss a topic and you learn a different point of view or new facts. It can be very eye opening and actually add to your own original thoughts. We also learn about each other this way and are able to look into the heart(s) of others.

But there are some things in life that are not up for discussion. Such as: God is real and God is good and His Word is a Rock. Sadly 51% of Americans say the Bible was written for each person to interpret as he or she chooses. While different stories can touch people in different ways (even different times of their lives) , the Bible is a factual telling of history and cannot be twisted to suit a need or person. "No prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. For no prophesy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit." 2 Peter 1:20-21. I've also heard the argument that translation has warped the Bible. While certain power statements may have slight translation problems (ex: the Greeks have 7 words for love! read when Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him in greek and you will see a deeper meaning there) be sure that the Word of God is protected by the very Author that created that Word.

Another topic not up for discussion is: He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. 76% of all Americans believe that an individual must contribute his or her own effort for personal salvation. While it is true that "faith without works is dead" (James 2:17) salvation comes first. You cant do a work of faith until you have received the salvation offered by our Lord. The salvation can only be given and received, it cannot be earned. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and are justified by His grace as a gift through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus." Romans 3:23-24

So many people try to change the root of what God is trying to show His people. Let me share a story that shows how a point of view can be changed when looking through the eyes of God:

A preacher and an atheistic barber were once walking through the city slums. Said the barber to the preacher, "This is why I cannot believe in a God of love. If God was as kind as you say, He would not permit all this poverty, disease and squalor. He would not allow these poor bums to be addicted to dope and other character-destroying habits. No, I cannot believe in a God who permits these things."

The minister was silent until they met a man who was especially unkept and filthy, His hair was hanging down his neck and he had a half-inch of stubble on his face. Said the minister:

You can't be a very good barber or you wouldn't permit a man like that to continue living in this neighborhood without a haircut and shave."

Indignantly the barber answered: "Why blame me for that man's condition? I can't help it that he is like that. He has never come in my shop. I could fix him up and make him look like a gentleman!"

Giving that barber a penetrating look, that minister said: "Then don't blame God for allowing the people to continue in their evil ways when He is constantly inviting them to come and be saved."

I encourage Bible studies and discussions. Share your thoughts and revelations, but remember, somethings are not up for discussion and it's these truths that we can be confident in.

I leave you with prayer written by my bother, Lorne:

Holy God, You call us to a passionate , all-consuming faith. Yet, so frequently, we give You half-hearted obedience or distracted leftover moments of our time. You tell us that we are the salt of the Earth and the light of the world but we find ourselves to be dull and dim in our live for others. You ask for our wholehearted faith and we meet You with anxiety and fear. Change us from the inside out. Fan into flame the desire to want more of You. We are thankful for Your unending, never-changing love for us in Your Son, Jesus Christ. We thank You for pursuing us when we turn our backs on You. We place ourselves at Your feet but ask that You keep us there as we continue on in our daily living. Be with us now; be with us tomorrow and forevermore.

In Jesus' Name, Amen

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