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  • D. Landes

What is Truth?

A student approached his Professor after a class on moral law. The pupil said "last semester, I learned that there are no moral absolutes, or even a moral law. I learned that every society makes up its own right and wrong, its own good and bad, its own fair and unfair - and each one can be something different.”

The professor answered, " It's a relief to hear you say that, because I hate grading papers. At the end of the semester, I'll be able to save myself some work by giving you an ‘F’ without even looking over your final assignments. since you don't believe in moral standards like ‘fairness for everyone’, I know you won't object.”

The students stared in disbelief, and then mustered up the courage to continue his argument. "Morals are all relative anyway,” he said in brazen fashion. “how do we even know that murder is wrong?”

The patient professor countered the students question with one of his own, “Do you really doubt that murder is wrong?”

“Other cultures might say it's alright,” the student replied smugly.

“But I'm not asking other cultures,” pressed the professor. “Are you, at this moment, in any real doubt about murder being wrong for everyone?”

There was a long silence. “No,” said the student, “I guess I’m not.”

“Good’, the professor answered. “Then we don't need to waste time on a discussion about morals being relative. Facts are facts and truth is truth..”

Moral relativism is the view that moral judgments are true or false, relative only to someone's particular viewpoint and that no viewpoint is uniquely privileged over another. Basically stated “Your truth is your truth and my truth is my truth, and we both agree that it is good for each of us”. A culture that subscribes to moral relativism is blinded to the actual truth. It is what our American culture is currently trying to reckon with. We have the camp that still ascribes to moral absolutes as dedicated in God's Word, and we have the camp that is trying to dissolve those absolutes because it conflicts with their idea of moral relativism. As long as man refuses to accept the facts, this spiritual struggle targeting “truth” will continue.

Look at John's account of “ the mock trial of Jesus” and you'll catch a glimpse of this battle (John 18:28-38). The background for this setting of scripture is Jesus on trial before Pilate. The band of Jewish officers and Captain has bound to Jesus and taking him to Annas and Caiaphas For a quasi-trial, and then to Pilat’s Hall of Judgment. In response to Pilat’s question, “Art thou a king then?” Jesus answered. “Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this calls came into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. everyone that is of the truth hears my voice.” Pilat says to him, “What is truth?”

The irony of the statement is that the only truth of the entire universe was standing right next to him, and he missed it.Pilate was around the Senate so much that he understood truth to be subjective based on one personal opinions and he sarcastically scoffed at it. To their culture, truth was up for interpretation. Rome had a history of conquering Nations and civilizations and adopting their ideas and religions as their own. They were the kings of assimilation. They would allow the people they conquered to continue to worship their gods (giving them new names) and to follow most of their cultural norms in order to prevent civil rebellion and keep peace. Rome had a model of “civil unity” centered around “diversity” and each person was expected to be tolerant of others’ truth. Pilate seemed disillusioned by this culture and, in wanting to please the people, he was willing to abandon truth to honor the demands of his subjects and to gain political favor. Truth is “that which is authentic in accordance with fact or reality; it is adherence to the standard”. It is the opposite of falseness. It states that facts are not subjective. Truth exists apart from what others believe. It is completely outside our constructs and belief systems.A person can assert to believe the truth, but that does not determine the truth. Truth is a reality as plain as the hardness of a concrete wall. Because one believes the wall is hard does not make it hard and because someone believes that same wall can be easily run through does not make it malleable or feasible. It exists as hard regardless of beliefs. Try as they may to make it harder or to run through it, the results are the same. Truth about a matter is static and unchanging. Jesus said that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and that no one comes to God except through Him. That means every religion that seeks to find God, cannot unless they go through Jesus Christ. As part of the Triune Godhead and creator of the universe, He is the author and the person of Truth, and all truth finds its basis in Him. So then, if a particular perceived path to God doesn't include his exact teachings, it is false.

To understand where we are today as a nation, we must subscribe to this precept first, and then let the Bible be the lens by which we view the outside world (i.e. the mainstream media narrative). There is an overt agenda to topple truth and bring about moral relativism as the way we function in our society, but it doesn't end there. The end game is to overthrow our patriarchal culture of God-fearing obedience to his moral absolutes (the Word) and replace it with the Antichrist system. Modernity may know it as Marxist communism. This ideology aligns with what the Bible says the Antichrist system will look like. We are already well on our way through this progression. We are making the turn into the final transition and it comes by way of civil unrest, rebellion and a disillusioned society. Dwight Longnecker said, “One way you can tell that relativism is mainstream is that there is no such thing as rational debate. In the absence of objective truth there can be no debate because a debate is dependent on the assumption that there is something to debate. A debate can only take place if there is such a thing as truth to be debated and without that basic assumption one person's opinion on a matter must be as valid as the next person’s. In the absence of objective truth the only way to make a decision is relying on a person's individual sentiments and beliefs.” In their minds, Jesus Christ stands in the way of their aim to bring about massive social reform. She is the anchor holding them back from achieving their goals. Christianity, with all of its moral absolutes and truths, is the enemy and since our social fabric was predicted in the Bible, it has to go. There is an agenda by sinister people to bring this nation down so that communist ideals can reign.

Fact: The Bible is clear that there will be an antichrist system in place at the end.

Fact: The Bible is clear that people will call the truth a lie.

These things are not debatable. These are the truth! While this sounds like doom and gloom, all is not lost. There is hope. We have a God who holds all of this in His hands. It is His timeline, not theirs. We have the benefit of seeing God's revealed truth through His word so we will know what is coming and how to respond. We have the advantage of prayer and supplication -to make our petitions known to Him. He heard Abraham's intercessory prayers, and are not we who walk by the Spirit children of Abraham? This is our great news and it should drive us to our knees for Israel, our leaders, our nation and our communities - that they may know the living God of Truth.

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